Nothing of great significance or consequence from me this week?!?! Or indeed any week I hear the negative voice in my head say!
I set myself the new year goal of writing a new blog post every week. But this week I am unwell; a thumping headache that doesn’t seem to want to let up, magnified three-fold by screen time. And so this brief post is purely reflective of where I’m at.
New Opportunity
Within this period of illness appears a new opportunity. I have been working punishing hours on the computer over the last few months, and I think this headache is finally God saying, “Enough!”
I’m not one to sit idly by though. And so I have returned to the notepad, pen and pencil. I am sketching, sketching both pictures and words. It’s so much fun!
It seems so crazy as a writer that I could lose that connection with the thing I love to do the most. I’ve been so caught up in the busyness and craziness of social media, websites and all the other trappings, loosely headed as ‘trying to make a living.’
I’m rediscovering my love of poetry. It may not be grand or perfect prose, but what a beautiful place to rest for a while, allowing the mind to wander, pause and reflect. Here’s to this rediscovery being more than just fleeting.
Returning Home
I need to get back to my pad.
It’s been a while…
I’ve forgotten what its walls look like.
I’ve forgotten its safety, its encouragement to muse.
I’ve forgotten how it allows me to be who I’m made to be.
And now that I’m here…
I’ll pick up my pen to begin…
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