Knowing You Are Loved

“Knowing You Are Loved” – WOW! What a place to start!

Book one of my new Confident Rhymers series goes straight to the heart of confidence and straight to the heart of life. There are such personal experiences and motivations I bring to this book and share with you now.

Personal Wrestles

Knowing I am loved has been, and remains, a very real personal wrestle. In fact, my experience so far with writing this new confidence-building book series, is that I need to live and breathe, and act upon the words I am writing!

I struggle a lot inwardly with a lack of confidence. Some who meet me may not realise it as I have become increasingly skilled at hiding and deflecting it over the years. Yet those closest to me do.

Skewed Self-Image

The bullying, name-calling, feelings of ugliness, have built over the years to project a very different self-image compared to the one I began life with. And over time that self-image began to distort everything. It was soon seeping into how I viewed myself, the value I placed on myself and ultimately the decisions and life choices I made.

When your thinking skews, you so often look for validation, worth and love in the wrong places. You begin to build a life, a value set, on the shakiest of foundations – I know I did.

And then eventually what you’ve built begins to crumble, begins to fall – and one day – CRASH!

New Hope amidst the mess

Amidst the rubble I looked around – what a mess!

Yet as the dust settled, I saw in the distance, a glimmer of light, of hope, calling me home. God was standing patiently, waiting for me to return, telling me that He loved me.

I looked around again at the mess. How could He love me after all I had done?

But He did, He does!

I stepped forward, shakily at first, into a new life, this new life that I now lead, now following His leading, to this book series, to be a messenger for His love.

New Life

I would never want to repeat the mistakes of the past and I am so sorry for any pain I have caused. Yet somehow, the repentance from and the knowledge of these mistakes, fuels the present and the future. It fuels the desire and passion for the next generation to know where their ultimate source of love comes from, no matter what they are going through.

When you start to know and accept God’s love you begin making different choices and your perspective shifts. I long for others to know that love from the outset, or from this point forward, so that they don’t repeat the painful mistakes I made.

New Stories

And so I invite you to the story and the words of my first Confident Rhymers book. Introducing the central character of Eden, reflecting God’s heart, saying to me, to you…

“Know you are loved my precious child.”

What a privilege to be used by God, to write, to illustrate, to communicate His love for us all.

I pray you will be blessed by reading this book and the series to come.

Much Love.

About The Author & Project

Andrew Buller is the author and illustrator of over 60 books and is writing this Confident Rhymers book series in conjunction with the Canterbury Christian School’s Work Trust (CCSWT) so that they can deliver a new “Believe in Yourself” course to young children.

If you would like to support this project you can do so at Andrew Buller’s Just Giving page. Thank you so much.

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