The Rhymers
Is your work in our gallery below? Look for your name following our Rhymers favourite order!
A is for…

B is for…

C is for…

D is for…

E is for…

F is for…

G is for…

H is for…

I is for…

J is for…

K is for…

L is for…

M is for…

N is for…

O is for…

P is for…

Q is for…

R is for…

S is for…

T is for…

U is for…

V is for…

W is for…

X is for…

Y is for…

Z is for…

Names Not Known
To appear in our Gallery…
Send us scanned copies or photos of your stories, poems, drawings, paintings, sculptures, models or whatever else inspires you to, along with your first name, age and a short message about your work.
Thank You Gallery
We have loved creating a board of your artwork as a thank you to all our key workers as part of The Rhymers’ NHS fundraiser and Thank You book.

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Find out more…
If you would like find out more about my Rhymers book series I would love to chat further.