As an author, illustrator and publisher I love to support others in their own creative journeys, aiming to advise and empower them. I run a highly-acclaimed publishing consultancy service for those looking to see their work in print.
I am co-founder of Canterbury Creatives supporting fellow creatives in Canterbury and across East Kent.
I want to showcase the talents of some of those I have helped. It is a real privilege to be able to share the skills I have been given.

Harbledown Hope – Catching Lives
I have worked with the clients at Catching Lives homeless charity to write and illustrate their own series of books. 2017 saw the release of their first book Harbledown Hope. The second book Harbledown Heal was published in 2019. It has been so inspiring to see how the homeless clients have engaged with this project, produced some incredible work and grown so much as people.

But Nana – Patricia M Brookhouse
I published the beautifully written and illustrated “But Nana”, helping Patricia realise her dream of seeing her first book in print.
You have made what felt like a mountain to be climbed a pleasant walk down a country lane. I would be very happy to recommend your publishing services.
Patricia M Brookhouse, author

Praise Past Pain – Hannah Buller
I am working with my wife, Hannah, to develop her Praise Past Pain website and publish related books. The beautiful Praise Past Pain Daily Journal is available to purchase.

The Listening Book – James Webb
I provided consultancy in the publication of The Listening Book on Amazon in October 2015. I also offered advice in the development of James’ Listening Book Website.

Ramblings of an Old Biddy – Joan Osborn
I worked with Joan’s family to enable Joan to fulfil her dream of seeing her beautiful poetry and illustrations published. In May 2016, Joan’s charming book “Ramblings of an Old Biddy” was released and has given enormous pleasure to all.

If you would like to see your own work in print I would love to chat to you to see how I can assist you in fulfilling your dream.
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