I have really loved producing Mubble Pup’s first tongue twister book. This project has been the marriage of my love of silliness, playing with language and having great fun with illustration. I really hope this comes across in the book. Behind the mask of the silliness there is also a strong educational focus with the tongue twisters being great for speech and language development, the Rhymers characters providing alphabet learning and many counting opportunities in the spotting games.

Mubble Twisters Video
I couldn’t resist having a go at the Mubble Twisters myself and as the video below shows I get very, very mubbled up! This I promise is my one and only take as I wanted to show just how muddled I get by my own work. Enjoy!
Educational Development
There is also a serious side to producing this book. Research shows that tongue twisters are incredibly effective way of improving speech and language development in a fun and engaging way. A great article by kidspot looks at this in more detail.
This book enables children to learn their alphabet with each of the Rhymers twenty-six alphabet characters appearing in the book and being mubbled up by Mubble Pup.
There are many opportunities for children to count the different muddled-up animal characters within the book and a number of these wanted to share their own tongue twisters too.

Mubble Pup the hero
The hero for my tongue twisting book is Mubble Pup. He is Rhyme Island’s dog who is always getting things muddled up, or mubbled up as he would say. It is therefore with joy that he wanders around Rhyme Island mubbling up each of the Rhymers in turn with a tongue twister and a lot of silliness. What a happy, mubbling day.
Sneak Preview of the Tongue Twisters
Some of the tongue twisters are inspired by old classics such as “She sells sea shells” and “Red lorry, yellow lorry”, but many are completely new based on the characters of The Rhymers themselves.
A sneak preview into a few of the tongue twisters pages that have made it into the book.

Our Rhymers Hairy and Scary embrace the “She sells sea shells” tongue twister and give it their own twist.

Giggle and Jiggle love making and playing with jolly jelly.
Get Mubble Twisting!
If you have ideas for any other tongue twisters for The Rhymers I would love to hear from you and who knows, they may be appearing within Mubble Pup’s Mubble Twisters 2. Enjoy getting your tongue around this book!
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